Eric Garza On Death

Eric Garza! Eric Garza is a 41yo professor, hunter, and suicide survivor. I met Eric online through primitive skills and ancestral plant groups, and his podcast A Worldview Apart caught my interest for his unique decolonization perspective. He speaks like a professor and as you’ll learn during this interview, has many diverse interests and skills from bow-making to inner tracking.

During this conversation, we discuss hunting as connection to landscape, pushing ourselves to take the shot and learn the skills, and the near death experience of his suicide attempt.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Dave Del Negro On Death

Dave Del Negro! Dave is a 26yo third year medical student, athlete, and teacher. Dave has rotated with me through Internal Medicine and teaches wrestling at our informal fight club. During this conversation, we discuss his early diagnosis of ADHD, the value of competitive American Wrestling, and the subject of suicide.

I hope you enjoy!

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Steven Manobianco On Death

Steven Manobianco! Steve is a second year medical student, a late bloomer, and martial artist. In this conversation, we talk about the importance of getting a punch to the face, failure as a practice for success, and the spirituality in a doctor’s office.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Julia Rauchfuss On Death

Julia Rauchfuss! Julia is a medical student (MS3 now, MS2 during recording in March), a sister, and a daughter. In this conversation, we cover why she’s a dreamer, how she wants to reuse her organs after death, and what family means to her.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Jared Roa On Death

Jared Roa! Jared is a 27yo artist, small business owner, and visionary. I met Jared through Sacred Floats & Gems and Visionary Ink, and have even been their spokesperson! In this conversation, we discuss float tanks, oil paintings, and his near death experience while surfing. His responses to the four prompts are clear, direct, and well-earned.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Ben Croll On Death

Ben Croll! Ben is a 24yo second year medical student, former EMT, and 2nd Lieutenant in the US Air Force. In this lovely conversation, we talk about everything from Slaughterhouse Five, to what he learned from the passing of his father, and the importance of virtue versus accomplishment. Additionally, you’ll hear his undergrad philosophy background in his thoughtful and intellectually clear responses to the four prompts!

I hope you enjoy 🙂

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Usman Ahmad On Death

Usman Ahmad! Usman is a 29yo second year medical student at the University of South Florida, an advocate, and thoughtful human. In this conversation, we talk about everything from a possible Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, to firearm research, his Muslim upbringing, and everything in between. You’ll hear his thoughtfulness and gratitude for life in his responses to the four prompts.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Ashleigh Stembridge On Death

Ashleigh Stembridge! Ashleigh is a 27-year-old artist, soon-to-be certified yoga instructor, and hopeful middle-school art teacher. I met Ashleigh through Tavia, a previous On Death interviewee, and I’m so glad I could sit down and hear her thoughtful and experienced responses to the four prompts. In this conversation, we talk about the value of getting punched in the face, the importance of strong teachers for young people, and how to overcome fear of the unknown.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Haley Goetz On Death

Haley Goetz! Haley is a rising sophomore in college, almost 19 years old, and an aspiring filmmaker with dreams of changing and exploring the world. I met Haley while coaching for Great Bay Rowing Club: she stood out as a mischievous and thoughtful individual. In this conversation, we talk about the difference between paganism and animism, the beauty of questioning through science-fiction, and what she learned from the passing of her canine companion Buster.

I hope you enjoy!

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Ian Covell On Death

Ian Covell! Ian is an 18-year-old athlete, soon-to-be college student, and thoughtful human. In this conversation, we talk about the power of risk and jumps, the fine difference between atheism and agnosticism, and the importance of embracing your true emotions.

I know you will enjoy this lovely conversation with a profoundly interesting and unique young person!

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Stephen Grow On Death

Stephen Grow! Stephen is a father of two, a follower of Christ, and a loving husband. In this conversation, we discuss the difficulties and benefits of homeschooling, the difference between being a Christian and having a relationship with Jesus, and how a hug can change a life.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Karen Holland On Death

Karen Holland! Karen is a mother of two, a teacher, and a yogi. I met her during a yoga for teens training, which she led with grace and intelligence. She currently teaches elementary and middle school aged children, and her thoughtful responses to the four prompts will leave you thinking for quite some time! We chat about her Catholic upbringing, how to raise sensitive and old-soul daughters, and what spirituality means to her.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Kenny Henderson On Death

Kenny Henderson! Kenny is a 42yo artist living in Tampa; his canvases include the human body, murals, and clothing. He specializes in sacred geometry, but identifies first as a father. In this conversation, we discuss how to raise your child as a questioner of authority, what is the muse, and practicing death.
I hope you enjoy!
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Nick Plimpton On Death

Nick Plimpton! Nick is a 32yo second year medical student, a polite Minnesotan, and a thoughtful future pediatrician. In this interview, we talk about the turbulence of a medical education, Minnesota and Disney princesses, and how to operate in this diverse world with folks of various gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Eugene Kim On Death

Eugene Kim! Eugene is a rising second year medical student at USF, a coach of crossfit and crew, and the initiator of this podcast! This week, Mackenzi Frost (previous On Death interviewee) turns the four prompts on your usual host for a delightful and sometimes rambling conversation on teaching versus coaching, love versus fear, and the value of a practice.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Doug M On Death

Doug M! Doug is currently a camp host with the National Forest Service, a 66yo retired carpenter, and grandfather. He’s a born and bred woodsy mountain type from the Tennessee mountains, near the North Carolina border. His down-to-earth wisdom and speaking style will enchant you, as we weave our way through the four prompts in this lovely conversation.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Jasmine Kashkoush On Death

Jasmine Kashkoush! Jasmine is a first year medical student, a Muslim, and incredibly insightful despite her age of 22. She is family-oriented, wants children, and the passing of her grandparents has informed her perspective on death.

I know you’ll dig this lovely conversation, please enjoy!

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Carly Waldman On Death

Carly Waldman! Carly is a first year medical student at USF, the daughter of a physician, and was raised in the Jewish faith. Currently, she aspires to be a surgeon, and her responses to the four prompts highlight her independence, depth of thought, and determination to heal others in order to help them.

I hope you enjoy!

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Preethi Rajan On Death

This week, we listen to Preethi Rajan‘s responses to the four prompts!

She’s a first year medical student without a science degree (big deal!), the daughter of immigrants, as well as a thoughtful lady with a depth of life experience. We talk about arranged marriages, breaking bad news, and love. She currently aspires to be a pediatrician, and also actively performs with Say Ahh! Capella, a USF Health student acapella group.

Preethi’s responses will leave you thinking, and I hope you enjoy!

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Bansi Savla On Death

This week On Death, we chat with Bansi Savla! She’s a terribly sweet fellow medical student at USF, and she gives some delightfully thoughtful and unique answers to the four prompts. I know you’ll enjoy this conversation, her personality shines through the recording!

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Julia Rauchfuss On Death

This week On Death, we sit down and chat with Julia Rauchfuss!

She’s a lovely (and quite mousy) MS2 that I’ve known for a while now, but this is the first time I’ve really ever sat down one-on-one with her and dove into some deep subjects! I think you’ll enjoy this conversation and be delighted by her responses 🙂

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Randall Sheffield On Death

This week On Death, we chat with Randall Sheffield and hear his responses to the four prompts! Randy is one of my best friends within medical school, and an outstanding coach and athlete. Thoughtful, kind, and humble a few ways to describe him. During this delightful conversation, we talk about travel, love, and family.

I hope you enjoy!

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Ali-Musa Jaffer On Death

This week On Death, we hear Ali’s thoughtful and well-versed thoughts on the four prompts! He’s a fellow medical student at USF, and we met during the first days of classes. Since then, he’s invited me to Friday prayers, and we’ve had some excellent conversations. I knew he’d be a great guest: he did not disappoint!

Sit back, and enjoy 🙂

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Michael Watson On Death

This week On Death, we sit down with Michael Watson, a good friend of mine and a second year medical student at USF! We talk about coaching, fear, hunting, and skin in the game. This is a lovely conversation and I am glad to share it with you 🙂

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On Death (or: Life, as told through four prompts)

I am a student, coach, and writer.
Before I die, I want love to outweigh fear.
When I die, I want to return to nature and the collective consciousness.
After I die, I want the experiments of technology, civilization, mammals, and life to flourish sustainably.

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