Becky Orton On Death

Becky Orton! Becky is a 45yo mother, CrossFitter, and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I met Becky while coaching at CrossFit Juggernaut in NH before entering medical school: she and her daughter would workout together and I initially thought they were sisters! A testament to her energy and love of life.

During this conversation, we discuss motherhood and the story of her eight children (four biological and four adoptive), the experience of losing Ben, and the rewards of fostering medically fragile children.

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Hunter Frost On Death

Hunter Frost! Hunter is a 20yo tree climber, country boy, and survivor. He is also my brother-in-law and we sat down for this interview 2mo after a horrific car accident in which he fractured his L1 vertebra.

During this conversation we discuss the challenges of tree climbing, the shifts in a 4yr relationship that began at 16, and the harsh perspective of breaking your back in a motor vehicle accident.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Caroline Wilson On Death

Caroline Wilson! Caroline is a 19yo college student, positive human, and survivor of a traumatic brain injury. I met Caroline while coaching crew in New Hampshire for Great Bay Rowing, and she served as a right-hand coxswain for the team. During one of our dryland practices, she fell and hit her head on cement. This caused a 2wk-long Elmer Fudd stutter and a long road to recovery. Luckily, she had her grandmother nearby, who underwent chemotherapy at the time.

In this lovely conversation, we discuss the plastic nature of memories especially when you have impaired long-term memory, how a positive reframe of a situation can change your outlook on life, and the nature of social crutches and how they help us function.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Rashad Malik Davis On Death

Rashad Malik Davis! Rashad is a 26yo creative, lover of stories, and story-teller. I met Rashad during my undergraduate years at Tufts University, and I’ve quietly kept tabs on him ever since. He recently published his first illustrated children’s book, Carefree Like Me!, one that I highly recommend reading as he promotes empathy, compassion, and diversity through a heartfelt story. In this conversation, we discuss the painful genesis and healing journey of his book, his deeply rooted spirituality, and the importance of representation in the stories that we tell.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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On Death revisited, again

This past December, I put On Death on hiatus. The interview series, released every other week, had been going strong since inception in March 2016. Originally every week, I extended the releases to every other week to better balance the medical student with the interviewer.

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Camille Imbo On Death

Camille Imbo! Camille is a 25yo fourth year medical student, an older sister, and a black woman. I met her during a SELECT session this year and the rawness of her laugh put her on my radar. During this conversation, we discuss the importance of names and how they change identity, the politicization of blackness, the inseparable mix of purpose and potential, and the soulmate bond between herself and her grandmother.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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Katrina Wachter On Death

Katrina Wachter! Katrina is a 24yo third year medical student, a musician, a second Lieutenant in the US Army, and a Christian. I’ve known her since the very first days of med school as she is my peer pair partner for the SELECT program. She’s an outstanding example of a human and I am so glad to finally bring her to you. During this conversation, we discuss the value of deep breathing and journaling, her encounters with death, and her desires for a family.

I hope you enjoy! 😀

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Emily Duerr On Death

Emily Duerr! Emily is a 24yo third-year medical student, a 2nd lieutenant in the US Army, and a future farmer. I’ve known Emily since the first week of medical school and I’m excited to see where her drive takes her career. During this conversation, we discuss her Lutheran upbringing, the importance of raising chickens, and her passion for veteran’s care.

I hope you enjoy!

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Rahul Paul On Death

Rahul Paul! Rahul is a 26yo Hindu-raised Bangladeshi, a third year medical student interested in emergency medicine, and a scientist. During this conversation, we discuss the relatable story of Krishna, the value of earned perspective, and why you should breathe into your balls.

I hope you enjoy! 🙂

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On Death (or: Life, as told through four prompts)

I am a student, coach, and writer.
Before I die, I want love to outweigh fear.
When I die, I want to return to nature and the collective consciousness.
After I die, I want the experiments of technology, civilization, mammals, and life to flourish sustainably.

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